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Monday and Tuesday from Speedweek 2018

Our first update from the salt is a positive one. The car has had 3 runs so far and all has performed well in all of these 

The team had a shakedown run at 204mph yesterday to make sure all systems were in order and check for any issue. The team then had a run this morning and got to 234mph but the wind was quite gusty at the emd of the track so Lionel made the decision to back out a little early. The car still ran 234mph On the the third run which was late this afternoon Bronze Aussie ran 266mph but it was still pretty windy and he had to back out a bit early once again. Lionel thinks there is plenty more speed still in the car and the team will be doing a run first thing tomorrow morning. We hope the wind settles dowm over night. A big thank you to our 2018 sponsors Stubtec Nankervis Performance Boats Pedders Bendigo Truck Centre Harley Central Daylesford newsxpress Effecive Electrics Lionel West Fabrications

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